Providing Solutions to Excel Problems

Who am I?

Hi! I’m David, and I’ve been working in business now for over 10 years, and I’ve been working with Microsoft Excel for longer than that.

I love solving problems and finding creative solutions - and my tool of choice is Microsoft Excel, and writing macros to automate. I am helpful, open and transparent, and at the end of the day, help you get where you want to be.

Wherever I’ve been, I’ve always been the go-to guy for Excel help and expertise. I’m friendly, approachable, and my desire to help out others will mean I’ll always put your needs and requirements at the heart of any project I’ll work on.

Professional quality Excel solutions, tailored to your business’ requirements

Whether you are looking to get a creative solution to an existing problem, automate a painful manual process, or build an entirely new spreadsheet, I can provide an answer.

No job is considered too big or too small. My solutions will always be focussed on what you need, and I’ll work with you to fully understand what those needs are, to ensure that you get something to satisfy your business.

Cashflow Optimisation

Does your business produce via a batch process? Are you needing to find a cash injection into your business without needing a loan?

As a side project, I have developed a model that can optimise batch production / processes, in order to improve the levels of liquid cash within your organisation, all whilst balancing the costs of your batch production. If you want to find out more and discuss how I can help your business, please get in touch and we can discuss options.

Get in Touch

If you’d like to get in touch with me, please use the contact form below: